About me

I have been teaching physics at a small suburban school district in Pennsylvania for 15 years.  I began to use the modeling method of physics instruction about 7 years ago and have never looked back.  I started this blog as a means to improve my own teaching by reflecting on the successes, failures, and near-misses in my own classroom.  I also wanted to become involved in the world of education blogs so that I could contribute in some way to the professional development of others and to give back to a community from which I have learned so much.  Additionally, I am interested in transitioning to a model of standards based grading for the current school year and this blog will be an outlet for me as I work through the process and hopefully obtain some valuable feedback from all the fine people who have pioneered the process before me.  In all of my endeavors I am fortunate to have the love and support of my wife and 2 children (a 3 year old daughter and a newborn son).

Brian E.

Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in this blog are my own and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.

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